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Cool People

Infinite love and thanks to the following people (in no particular order), for being the best you ever could be, showing me the world, making me a better person, and teaching me to love myself.

Each of you have truly impacted my life for the better in one way or another, and have helped shape who I am today. Thank you for the good times we've had, the lessons we've learned, and the wisdom you've shared.

Some of you, we may not have talked in months or years, others only even once, but know that I appreciate you, and I wish you best of luck in wherever life takes you. Per aspera, ad astra.

  • Dave C.
  • Chaz V.
  • Nick H.
  • Josh M.
  • Caleb B.
  • "Tibb"
  • Denis
  • Jim Y.
  • Ian S.
  • Tony
  • All the members of NSG.
  • All the members of 1710.


Another big thanks to the people who have supported me through Patreon back in the day or through Ko-fi currently. You've been amazing.

  • G lander
  • Binkiklou
  • OtterDemon